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水电知识网»网上书店»水利水电»Design Code for Surge Chamber of Hydropower Stations 水电站调压室设计规范(NB/T 35021-2014)


Design Code for Surge Chamber of Hydropower Stations 水电站调压室设计规范(NB/T 35021-2014)

作者/译者: 国家能源局 发布 无 译

出版时间: 2022年12月第1版 2022年12月第1次印刷

出版社: 中国水利水电出版社

书号: 155226·256


定价 ¥830.00

  1. 图书详情
书  号 155226·256 计算机号 20-1268
书  名 Design Code for Surge Chamber of Hydropower Stations 水电站调压室设计规范(NB/T 35021-2014)
作 译 者 国家能源局 发布 无 译
开  本 16开 平装 字  数 158 千字
印  张 5 页  数 80 页
出版时间 2022年12月第1版 2022年12月第1次印刷
出 版 社 中国水利水电出版社
定  价 830.00 元 网上售价 747.00 元
分 类 号
主 题 词

The main technical contents of this code include: setting conditions of surge chamber, surge
chamber arrangement, hydraulic calculation and determination of basic sizes, structural
design and detailing requirements, air cushion surge chamber, safety monitoring
and operational management.
The main technical contents revised in this
code are as follows:
— Adding the criteria for setting surge chamber.
— Adding the
design of air cushion surge chamber.
— Adding the
numerical calculation of hydraulic transient process for hydropower station.
— Adding the
structural design of surge chamber.
— Adding the
safety monitoring of surge chamber.
— Deleting the Chapter “Design of Surge
Chamber for Pumped Storage Power Station” and integrating its content into
other chapters.
— Deleting the
Appendix “Surge Calculation Method of Chamber for Wicket Gate Failure at Power
Off Under Pumping Condition for Pump Storage Power Station”.
